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Specializing in life, health and retirement plans for small business, associations and individuals,
ORLDWIDE INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. has catered to the unique needs of it's clients since 1989.
As independent brokers, we are able to deliver high value products from more than fifty different insurance companies. Professional agents and well trained support staff offer old-fashioned one-to one service
Based in Mundelein, Illinois our organization services customers around the world. Our goal is to be your eyes and ears on the latest insurance and financial product developments and present them to you in an easy-to-understand format. After thoroughly researching the features, benefits and credentials of products for our customers, our financial selection criteria are guided by answers to two simple questions;
1. Given my client's situation, would I buy this product myself?
2. Would I recommend the product to a member of my own family?

This straightforward test makes it easy for us to maintain our focus on you, our customers.