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WORLDWIDE INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. . (WWINS) and its affiliated companies are committed to protecting your right to privacy. Just as we don’t want our personal information shared without our knowledge whenever visiting an Internet site, a business over the telephone, or in any other contact, we also realize that you don’t want your information shared without your knowledge. Therefore, WWINS promises to treat the information you share in a serious and responsible manner.

This privacy statement discloses what information we gather, and how we use that information.

Insurance Quotes

In order to provide you with accurate quotation from 3rd party insurance providers, it is necessary for us to collect personal information such as names, personal or E-mail addresses, medical information, as well as commercial or retail values, etc. We may use this information to contact you, or provide it to 3rd party insurance providers - strictly for the purpose of obtaining insurance quotes.

Personal Information

WWINS does not sell, give, provide, share, or in any other manner allow any person or company to obtain the personal information you provide WWINS in order to obtain an insurance quote, with the exception of 3rd party insurance providers, as noted in the above paragraph.

WWINS is opposed to spam. We will not provide your e-mail address to anyone, anytime, or in any fashion, including the 3rd party insurance providers.

WWINS May Send You:

  • Email regarding products and services we offer, you may at any time remove yourself immediately from these mailings by using the unsubscribe link provided in each Email.
    (You may also at any time unsubscribe from these emails by using the unsubscribe link or emailing info@wwins.com with the subject line remove me).
  • Email regarding an information or quotation request.
  • Reminders upon the most likely date of your policy expiration date.
    (At your request, these reminders will not be sent. To send such a request, simply notify WWINS and state that you do not wish further contact)

WWINS does not link your e-mail address with any of your personal information or IP address anywhere on the WWINS web site, or anywhere on the internet, or on any computer directly connected to the internet.


We are committed to uphold our pledge to maintain the security of our customers’ personal information. To ensure such information is used only in the manner we have described in this policy, we have instituted the following safeguards:

Employees are required to comply with our established privacy policies and procedureswhich exist to protect the confidentiality of customer information.
Any employee who violates our privacy policies will be subject to a disciplinary process.

Employees access the information only on a business need-to-know basis, such as to administer a plan or service a customer request.


WWINS does not use cookies on its web site.

Contacting WWINS

If you have questions about WWINS’ privacy statement or practices, please contact us by sending written correspondence to :
25775 N Hillview Court Suite B
Mundelein,IL 60060

call 800-955-0418, Fax 866-967-6310