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Inbound USA
For the visitor to the United States or the recent immigrant.
Inbound® USA is a scheduled benefit program providing basic medical coverage for non-U.S. citizens visiting the United States.
Liaison International
Medical Insurance for people traveling outside their Home Country. Perfect for trips between 7 days and 3 years. Monthly renewal option available. Immediate coverage is available once you are satisfied with the quotation. Print your ID Card immediately! The plan is underwritten by a U.S. insurance company rated A- "Superior" by AM Best

Liaison Majestic
Medical insurance for people traveling outside their home country. Trips between 5 days to 3 years Continuous renewal available as little as 5 days at a time Immediate coverage available
Print ID Card immediately

Liaison® Student
Medical insurance for students, scholars and faculty traveling outside their home country. Trips between 5 days to 12 months
Continuous renewal available as little as 5 days at a time
Immediate coverage available
Liaison Continent
Medical insurance for people traveling outside their home country. Trips between 5 days to 180 days
Continuous renewal available as little as 5 days at a time
Immediate coverage available
Print ID Card immediately
RoundTrip Travel Benefits
Protect your tickets, your luggage and your health worldwide
Why RoundTrip? So you'll be prepared. Who knows what could happen during a trip abroad – or before you even depart. Benefits include: Trip Cancellation; Interruption/Delay; Medical Transportation; Lost or Stolen Baggage; Missed Connection; Assistance Services.

Roundtrip® Economy/Elite
provides coverage in the event of an accident, sickness, or loss while traveling. Benefits also include reimbursement of non-refundable trip deposits due to cancellation or interruption

Wander Frequent Traveler
Medical insurance for people traveling outside their home country. Unlimited trips per year, as long as they are less than 30 days Immediate coverage available